Enjoy exploring Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church’s website. We look forward to welcoming you to our services, taking place at 10am at Pulborough Village Hall


Sharing God's love with our community


Our mission is to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus,

to love, care for and encourage each other,

and to help others to get to know Jesus through words and actions

Working together. Building The Kingdom


Messy Church

Messy Church Every 2nd Saturday. 3-5pm Pulborough Village Hall

Please email Judith: minister@pbbaptist.co.uk  phone: 07551 323583 or andytwilley@gmail.com  for more details.










I am delighted to be the minister at Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church (PBBC). My passion is to see the church living out the Lord’s Prayer of God’s kingdom coming and his will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

My personal mission is based on Isaiah 61:1-4. The Spirit of the sovereign Lord longs to set people free to be all they were created to be. I have had the privilege of partnering with God to see towns and cities being rebuilt for the display of God’s splendour in Nepal, New Zealand and the UK. I look forward with excitement to see the plans God has for us as a community living in Pulborough.

Please join us for our Sunday services at 10am, Messy Church the second Saturday each month and Wellbeing Café on Thursdays 2-4pm.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Judith Ellis

Please contact me via email minister@pbbaptist.co.uk

Mob: 07551 323583

Working Together Building the Kingdom








Messy Church 11th January

Our next Messy Church is soon here. Saturday 11th January 3-5pm at Pulborough village hall.

We will be looking at the character Abraham from the bible. Such an exciting character who has transformed history. Come and join in a fun afternoon as we discover more through the story, craft, games, singing and of a cooked meal.

Wellbeing cafe

Our wellbeing cafe is open every Thursday 2-4pm at Pulborough village hall.  All are welcome to come and join us to play your favourite board games, have a chat and a cup of tea. Join in with the gentle chair exercises and hear a reflection about wellbeing. It is an informal friendly group, ideal if you would like some company and an opportunity to make new friends. Just come along, a warm welcome awaits you.
