What to expect

Here’s what you can expect to find during your visit to Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church!

Let’s try and answer some of your questions …

what is a service like?

We’re very happy for you to come along and see what worshipping here is like. If anything seems unfamiliar, feel free to ask one our welcome team.

Our services are relaxed and informal and last for approximately an hour.

We tend to start with a time of sung worship. All words will be projected onto a screen, so it’s easy to follow along.

We might have a time of open prayer where members of the congregation are free to speak out their prayers being initiated by the worship leader.

There will be a talk based on the bible explaining what the bible teaches and applying it to our day to day lives.

Some of the congregation may take notes to read and reflect on afterwards, and to follow up in small home group discussions.

People tend to stand to sing and sit to pray but you can do what feels right for you.

There is no offering taken during the service but if you wanted you can leave a donation in the offering box near to the exit door.

Our children’s work is currently limited but there will be activities available for your child/ren either in the service or out in a room connected to the hall. We can also provide a crèche if required.

The service ends with a song and a final prayer.

If you would like prayer or need to talk, the pastoral team and leaders will be available to pray with you after the service ends.

Toilets are in the corridor next to the hall, well signposted.

how long are your services?

Our Sunday services usually last around an hour and you are invited to stay for coffee and a chat afterwards.


what is the music like?

We use a mix of recorded and live music, using hymns and contemporary songs. Words are projected onto a screen at the front of the hall so they are easy to see.


will i know what to do?

Most people find their first visit to church more informal than they expected. We’re a friendly group of people, and our services are set up so you can relax and get to know us as a church. All the words you’ll need are projected on a screen, and we’re quite happy for you not to join in if you don’t feel it’s appropriate. Please sit where ever you would feel most comfortable.

what about communion?

We celebrate Holy Communion on the second Sunday of the month. Bread and wine is distributed to the congregation by one of the church members, the congregation do not need to get up and move. We eat the bread as soon as we receive it and drink the wine together as directed by the person leading communion.

All are welcome to take communion if they love the Lord Jesus and have accepted him as their Lord and saviour.

what should i wear?

Please dress as you feel comfortable. Most people who come tend to dress informally.

what happens to my children during the services?

When children attend we have resources ready to lead them in activities either in a room off the hall, where they will be accompanied by our children’s workers, or in the hall itself.

do I have to give money?

There is no offering taken during the service but if you would like to, there is an offering box near to the exit door where you can leave a donation.

Many church members and regular attenders support the work of the church through direct bank payments, standing orders or cash donations that allow us to receive Gift Aid.

what about prayer?

Prayer is at the heart of our church life, and we believe that it can really make a difference in people’s lives. It’s one of the ways we can discover that God loves and cares about everyone and is with us always. If you would like to receive prayer then please ask someone to direct you to one of the pastoral team or leaders of the church who will very happily pray with you.

anything else?

If you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with us, or just ask someone when you arrive. There’s always someone on the door if you’re not sure who to ask. You should receive a news sheet on your arrival, giving more information but please do ask if you are unsure about anything.

Do come and visit, you will be made very welcome.